Total Raised for 2025


Help cover the cost of this site and some paper promo.

I have no problem donating my time to this, but it costs about $273 a year to keep the site going and I just need some help with that.

Clearly that won't take much if a few people pitch in. Please give $10 or more if you think this site is helpful!


How can I give?

Since this isn't a business I'd love it if you donate in person. Plus then we can hang out and get some coffee at 211 Cafe or maybe you wanna teach me something new to put on the site. Who knows? But meeting in person is way better.

Or you can use Buy Me A Coffee, which supports all major credit and debit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Cash App and other global payment methods.

The online donation fee.

I use the "Buy Me A Coffee" platform and they charges 5%, so keep that in mind when you're giving. Its not much and I'm happy with it, but if you know of something better, please be so kinda as to let me know. Or just give in person.

How much do you need for the site?

Just enough to pay Webflow for hosting the site. It's $273 a year.

How much do you need for promo material?

I'm not going to crazy with it yet, but I'd like to have some cards, posters and funny stickers to leave places. Its all in hopes to help people. I print all that with my homies at the Wild Beaver Print Shop. So far for 100 hand outs, 40 stickers and 10 posters It's looking at about $150. It would help a lot if someone wouldn't mind covering some of that. Thank youuu for your support!