Big List Wool & Linen Companies
It was hard finding awesome wool and linen companies, so let us save you some time!
We are so excited that we found some 100% wool socks! If you got to any big brand store you'll always find 30% polyester snuck in there or mayyybe 15%. You have to pay more for for less plastic and we know by know that plastic when it gets warm, seeps into your skin causing increase in cancers and hormonal disorders. There should never be plastic in wool socks, because they are designs to keep you warm.
Look who came to save the day:
Brubaker makes pure and simple wool socks that are plastic free for less than half of the socks at Tractor Supply that still have 40% Polyester. I just screenshotted their website below where they have 4 pairs for about $28. That is fantastic.
I've looked on Etsy and other handmade companies too and you'd be surprised how may still have a little bit of polyester or nylon in them. There are reasons for that, but I'd trade a small amount of convenience for 100% wool any day.
Remember from our other post on 100% Wool swimsuits that the Bible says not to mix the fibers wool or linen with any other substance. Then science came along and looked into why and it turned out there is a frequencies produces in 100% wool and linen and loses its healing effectiveness when mixed. (Even with organic cotton.)
So aside from have a heavy amount of chemicals and plastic polyester and nylon, they also prevent your body from healing as fast. Interesting.
We love sharing our healthy journey to help make yours easier, but we don't know everything. If you know something we don't, please shoot us an email with as much research as you can! We love to keep digging and ditching.