Protect Yourself & Family From Chlorine

Did you know chlorine is terrible for you? Here's how to minimize the damage.


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Here's the scoop.

Did you know chlorine is terrible for you? Studies have linked it cancer amoung other things. Come to think of it every pool has a warning posted somewhere that says "danger chlorine."

NBC Article on Chlorine
Rowe Casa Swim Spray

Here's how to minimize the damage at the pool. Rowe Casa released this fantastic chlorine neutralizing spray. We used it all summer and you can feel the difference. Especially in your hair. Long hair feels gross in after the pool, but with this spray it feels about 95% like normal wet hair. See it working below.

Make Your Own Chlorine Spray

You can also make your own because it really boils down to vitamin C. That's what destroys the chlorine.

You can also cut an apple and toss it in the bath tub. The Vitamin C in the apple will absorb that chlorine too.

Fix Your Shower

Especially if you shower every day, you need to be cleaning that water. When the warm water hits your pores it opens them up and makes it even easier to absorb all the garbage in the water. We found the absolute-best shower head filter of all time at WaterTreeNWA and it filters great, but also has added vitamin c to kill that chlorine. Maaan that water is so so soft. Twice as much so as our previous filter and it's also twice as powerful. Its so powerful I have to only turn the water on halfway, but even at full blast it doesn't hurt because that water is so much softer from filtering out the metals and toxins. Once you get this you'll know exactly why I'm telling you " you absolutely have to get this as soon as possible.

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