Stop being sick so often.

Helping NWA modify diets, habits and our environments to keep us sick less often & less long.

We want to see less sickness in Northwest Arkansas.

We're Bradley and Emily and we used to get sick a lot. It seemed normal, but once we changed some things and started feeling better we realized that being sick was common, but not normal. You don't have to be sick much either. You can take control of your health, but its it hard to know where to start. Everyone's health journey is different, but we're all being poisoned by the same things. Our goal is to help you discover what's getting you down and figure out what to fix next. It's fun to be less sick and being healthy taste better too! All you'll do is win.

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Heavy Metal, Chlorine Detox Bath

Despite the chemicals in the tap water, this is how we enjoy a great detox bath after sticky situations.

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The Best Shower Head Ever

Pick up this shower head as soon as you can. It's so much better than you're thinking.

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Protect Yourself & Family From Chlorine

Did you know chlorine is terrible for you? Here's how to minimize the damage.

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Not sure where to start? These are a huge deal and therefore make a big difference fairly quickly.


How to replace your toxic products with better alternatives.

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All sorts of rejuvenating, organic, whole food recipes and oil blends for aliments.

Sore Throats Need Oregano & Salt

We make this anytime we need to coat a sore throat.

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Daddy's Dagum Organic Smoothie

The healthiest protein smoothie I can muster. It taste like a tropical paradise!

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Momma' Organic Peanut Butter Protein Bars

The best overall best protein bars we've ever had.

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Higher level health issues you may need to know about.

A Message To Restaurant Owners in NWA

How any restaurant owner can ditch inflammatory, toxic ingredients and create healthier dishes.

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Glyphosate: Pesticides, Celiac and Gluten

Bug killer is all over your food at the grocery store. Let's fix that.

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Bugs in Our Food. Nope It's Not a Joke.

Explore this push for bug parts in our food and examine some odd creatures in our food under a microscope.

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Covering Up The Taste of Heavy Metals

If heavy metals are in our food, why don't we taste them?

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Ditch Your AirPods Now

Frying your brain with bluetooth and spying on your thoughts soon. I'm not even kidding guys.

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Taste Enhancers & The Senomyx Debacle

Are aborted fetal cells in the major food brands? Depends on who you ask. Everyone needs to know about this.

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How we got here.

Since 2020 we have been on a full-throttle course of waking up to all the lies around us. A huge part of that has been our health. As we realize all that is against us in our food, water, and air we didn't know a great way to to share lots of information with friends and families. It's not easy to have 5 hour conversation with people. It's much more helpful to let people to soak up information over time and sending an article with links is more effective in many cases.

We want our community to be sick less, because we've been sick less and it feels great. Seeing people get sick around us really sucks. People at work have to cover for you and sometimes it means the whole house going through it. For working moms and dads - there ain't no time for that. This blog is a bunch of the things we've done that have made an impact on our lives. Not everything that works for us will work the same for you, but our environments all have some common denominators and I think all of it can benefit anyone.

Most people just don't know where to start and we want to make it easy to discover all the valuable health information that took us years of constantly learning to understand. Hopefully this gets you started on your research and saves you some time.

What is most important to fix first?

I'm not sure how to get this through everyones heads, but EMFs are hands down the biggest problem. They cause inflammation of so many kinds and inflammation may very well be the root of every disfunction according to a few doctors I've heard. EMFs can be remediated using EMF Solution products. We have nearly all of them and see a big difference in using them. We rarely get sick now and that has played a huge roll in it.

Read EMF Post

Take care of the area you sleep. Knowing that cell towers, wifi and bluetooth and hitting you even from your neighbors house you need to fix that while you're sleeping so you can get optimal rest, but also sleep on linen and wool, because it's nontoxic and linen is of such a high frequency it heals you while you sleep.

Start Drinking clean water. There's are a slew of terrible chemicals in American's water, but with fresh spring water or Alkalized water from WaterTreeNWA to clean your home water or water bottles from Clearly Filtered for on-the-go, you're going to actually feel hydrated like never before. Add some salt to get the maximum benefit.

Then get seed oils out of your life. This is vegetable oil, canola oil, cafflower oils, unflower oils, oy oil, cottonseed oil and grapeseed oil. This means theres onlyabout five place to eath around her so you'll be cooking at home but this huge to keeping sicknesses out becasue all those oils when proceed under so much heat cause inflammation.

Read Seed Oils Post

We do NOT think we know everything.

I've had too many people know something that could have helped me and they didn't share it with me. I don't like how much that happens just because it's awkward to sound like a know it all. We are not experts, but we listen to as many as we can with differing opinions to try to discern what is true from all of them.

We do not know it all and that's whats so cool, anyone can learn how to be healthy these days, because the information is there for anything you need to know. You just have to keep digging beyond the Google search, because even the experts are always learning. Some of the best experts are moms, not always doctors. Moms can learn more about nutrition than most doctors are ever taught in school. If a mom is determined to reverse her son's autism she will do it and she will be more informed that any doctor in the area because she had a motivation that they did not. Never discount the mommas and again that can be anyone. Help the doctors out who are way too busy and research on your own.

You're not a know it all, you're just well informed as we all should be.

What's the best way to start eating organic?

We only eat organic. Aldi is primarily where we get it and our groceries cost half the price there as the same stuff at Walmart. Don't think it's too expensive to eat organic. Aldi can give you a great, basic organic diet and then when you want something special like chips without seed oils, you can go pay more at Akins. Also try the Azure Standard drop off. Its a truck full of only organic food that drops off once a month. Great for buying in bulk too. Just do what you can. Save money by saying no to the bad stuff you used to buy and spen it on good stuff. Good food is more filling so you may not need as much either.

What is the best food hack in town?

Go to Yeyos where they have awesome meat from local farms. Order a side of protein. Steak or chicken is $4 and it's a perfect little meal that will keep you full through a couple meals. Maybe you need two side of protein, well it's still only 8 dollars. Don't get full on carbs that don't last. Protein from meat will sustain you longer.

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