Big List Wool & Linen Companies
It was hard finding awesome wool and linen companies, so let us save you some time!
Y'all this one is something we should all take very seriously. It kinda dances on the topic of abortion which you would think would have nothing to do with our food, but they've crossed a line and I want to be really clear about what this is and what it isn't. I've gotten past the "seeing red" over the issue, as I've pondered this for about 4 years now. I study the words people use around this issue and I think that is what really defines the problem and company's stance on it.
Of course, the companies being accused of putting aborted fetal cells in their food claim they don't and yet the contracts and agreements they've made with certain companies show that aborted fetal cells are used in the process. So who's right?
Here's my straightforward, level headed take on this issue. It's not what you think, but its also not great either.
I'm going to lay down the facts and the data and save my thoughts for the end where I'll tie it all together. Then you can choose what you think in due time, but I earnestly recommend you mull over this and study this from all angles.
First of all did you know that in all the crappy foods and some medications they use "taste enhancers" to make your brain think they taste good? We know what's in that garbage so it make sense that something has to be added to help with the taste haha. That's pretty low right there.
Ok now let's get into the weeds and see what's up here.
Companies like Pepsi, Nestle, Coca-cola and pretty much any major food brand owned by Blackrock or Vangaurd have been accused of putting aborted fetal cells in their products in the form of an ingredient called Senomyx. The amount of products in your favorite major retailer that have this ingredient is MOST and you'll understand when I show you the list. The FDA has acknowledged Senomyx and you can search for company contracts with this company, however the FDA has claimed that there is such a small amount in these products that they don't have to disclose it on the label. Those are the words every healthy person never wants to here - that the label isn't showing everything.
These taste enhancers are also found in pretty much anything that says artificial flavors on it. Thats how they "put it on the label."
Senomyx is a taste enhancer that tricks your brain into thinking something is sweet. This could be used in a seemingly positive light to reduce the sugar in a product or to mask the taste of the metals that get in it from the factory. Senomyx uses a certain stem cell to "enhance the taste " (that's where I barf) and it's called HEK 293 which indeed comes from the kidney of a very small fetus. Think what you want, but here's what that fetus looks like.:
That's not ok in the least bit and I don't think many people having an abortion would disagree, because we're talking about our food here.
This makes you hate their slogan that much more.
"Senomyx nose a good thing when it smells it."
Nothing with this product in is is actually good for you anyway. It's Such a lie on so many levels.
The list is absolutely massive, but if you avoid seed oils or eat organic and only eat real meat you can easily avoid all of these no problem. Some people think that products with Natural Flavors sometimes have them as well, but I'm not so sure at the moment.
Check out this M A S S I V E list on Clarity News of companies who have contracted with Senomyx and all the brands that cover the shelves of super markets. Most of these have contracted until the year 2030.
Ok, so what do companies like Pepsi and Politifact say about this issue?
They say that the HEK293 was taken from a single aborted baby in the 70's and has been cloned since then and the clones have been used in the products. Honestly, that doesn't sound much better. Remember we don't want anything remotely close to this in our food ever, but stay focused on the issue here.
There may or may not technically be aborted fetal cells in these products, but...
They ended one life a long time ago in order to trick your tastebuds into thinking garbage food, made from toxic chemicals, is sweet and delicious and addictive. This fetal cell has been cloned and added to millions of products for 20-50 years. That's wrong on so many levels.
It took a while to process this and not get swept away by either side, but I think my analysis is reasonable and factual.
Did you know HEK293 is also in many vaccines? There's literally no good reason for that!
Other Medicines
Whoever is distributing this fetal cell is clearly making way too much money for their own good. This makes me think about how they put synthetic peanuts in vaxes and now we have these nut allergies because people's bodies recognized it was synthetic and created an aversion in defense that now can't distinguish even the real peanuts. Could the same thing be happening here? Imagine how many products people would become allergic too? Just speculating.
Another thing is that if you go to Yahoo finance and look up each one of these companies you'll see the biggest investors are all the same two companies: Blackrock and Vangaurd. Companies that clearly profit off making us sick in so many different ways you can't even count. It would be a lot easier to get 100 companies to buy into the same thing if they were all owned by the same company at the top. Something to think on.
Ok this is where I completely lose it. Theres are actually meetings where they talk in code about which "parts" they want to buy and how many. These people are so sick that they even joke about it. The reason I mention this is to make it very clear that even though all this sounds completely beyond what person is capable of, there is a massive business in abortions. Put two and two together man. I despise this video, but to get your head around how they make nearly 2 Billion dollars a year doing abortions, you should probably see it. Like every other industry, they've found a way to minimize waste by selling every little part.
Of course I'm sure most of it comes from funneling money form one non-profit to another, but realize the extent these people will go to make a buck.
I bet if someone having an abortion saw this they would keep their baby. It's just not at all what people expect to happened when they make that choice. This is why we're against it, because it's not really about the rights of anyone, it's about companies making tons of profit! The only "choice" is to let these losers profit or not. At this point it doesn't sound implausible that they would put fetal cells in food, because truly it's about making money and they will clearly do anything for it and justifying it along the way. Pray for these people. they need the love and forgiveness of their Heavenly Father. He will make all thing right one day and we will all give an account for what we've done. Thats gonna destroy them, but they can still be seen spotless in His eyes by the blood of Christ if they repent.
Ok I think that's enough down the rabbit hole there. Did that open your eyes?
When a hard claim like this is made with some serious evidence and the company just puts out a press statement saying it's not true - they haven't proved anything. A serious allegation like this deserves a very serious, well documented, visual response, but the companies don't do that. For this reason we will not take a chance with any of these products because we to not want to tread that line even a little and be responsible to the Most High for what we've done. I cannot imagine what it would be like if God said "Why did you even chance it?" I would feel the worst I have ever felt.
We know that the Bible tells us something that makes perfect sense of this. Satan is like roaring lion seeking what he can devour and that's dangerous combined with "that the whole world is under the control of the evil one" in 1 John.
That means he has the capability to pull off such a terrible thing and I just don't put it past him because I know how much he hates children. He will pay so hard for it one day but this kingdom is not a good one at the moment and that kind of stuff is allowed, because Yahweh is incredibly patient and wants as many of his people to turn to his ways as possible.
It seems wild for people to want to do this, but it fits the bill perfectly for the ruler of this earth, so I don't put it past him at all.
We do not eat any products form these companies and if we can help it we do not allow our kids to either. Not just because of this issue, but because those products have no value at all and so you can't even call it food. It's just experiments from a lab. None of these products sustain you, they just bring your shields down so you're on the verge of being sick all the time.
How they cover up the taste of heavy metals that get in foods at factories.
We love sharing our healthy journey to help make yours easier, but we don't know everything. If you know something we don't, please shoot us an email with as much research as you can! We love to keep digging and ditching.