Big List Wool & Linen Companies
It was hard finding awesome wool and linen companies, so let us save you some time!
We spend most of our lives on our beds sleeping and healing which makes this one of the most important places in the house to get right. Good health and good sleep are essential and this should absolutely be one of the first places you start fixing when trying to live a healthier, sick-free life. The fixes I'm about to outline made a major difference in our sleep quality, giving us more energy when we wake up and theres nothing better than being ready for the crazy day ahead.
The first aspect of this is pretty odd because we are not taught much about the science of frequency, but its really important. I'd break this article down into two practical take aways and just do the best you can with this one.
Y'all we love God around here. (I like to clarify and say Yahweh, because every religion calls their god "god.") One of the most fascinating things Yahweh ever commanded his people was to only where clothes of wool and linen and not to mix them! Read Duetoronomy 22 for the low down, but then comes an Israeli scientist who studies the frequencies of these materials along side polyester, cotton, organic cotton etc... and she found that the frequencies of linen and wool are off the charts with good healing frequencies, while the others are almost non existent or even damaging.
"You shall not wear cloth of wool and linen mixed together." - Deuteronomy 22:11
"You are to keep My statutes. You shall not crossbreed two different kinds of livestock; you shall not sow your fields with two kinds of seed; and you shall not wear clothing made of two kinds of material. - Leviticus 19:19
Vitality from AlphaTalkz did a great video on that below:
Ok so frequency is one thing, but its also very hard to not mix the two when you actually start trying to.
Theres a video from Dr Monzo talking about how layering the fabrics is not the same as mixing the actually fibers, so that sounds like good news!
That seems to be the maximum benefit, but it's not just about frequency. these fabrics are toxic to your poor, sleeping body and keep you hotter.
if you look into how the Fabrics like Polyester, nylon, rayon etc... are made its wild that they are less expensive! So much extra labor, machines and chemicals are involved in soaking these fabrics to get them soft. Its very ironic because wool and linen and cozy with much less work and no manipulation of them. All these chemical-soaked fabrics are used in athletic attire. To give you perspective 100% of LuLu Lemons clothing is toxic and people don't know! When you sweat/get hot those chemicals that contain phylates, PFAS and other endocrine disruptors are causing infertility and attributing to general sickness while people are trying to be healthy. They're getting us at every level. To be healthy you really have to look into everything yourself, because we cannot assume these companies have our health in mind. Clearly it's about money and soft stretchy poisonous clothes sell if people don't know how they're made.
Ok now think about your bed. Are you sleeping on the same chemical-soaked fabrics while you sleep for 8 hours every night? If so, thats not good.
The second practical take away is this. You want to remove static from your sleep environment.
I've slept with polyester sheets my whole life, like a ignorant fool and what happens when you rub up against it? Sometimes you even see the electricity when you move around. this creates heat, which many studies have shown prevent us from sleeping well. The lower you sleep to the ground, the cooler it is and your body needs that to go into sleep mode.
It get's worse.
Polyester, nylon...anything thats not cotton, linen or wool is going to be a form of plastic. When this is heated up from your static is released phylates, parabens and sometimes even PFAS (forever chemicals) right into the biggest organ of your body. Your skin. This is known to cause cancer, bad sleep in general and especially hormone disruptions leading to infertility and in women, jacked up periods.
Oh wait, but I sleep in long sleeve shirts and pants.
Unless those are made of 100% linen or or wool, then you're just sleeping in the same material that the bed it made from and making it that much hotter and that much worse for your body.
This is actually a big problem, because of how much sleep and because our bodies are trying to recover and we're just allowing them to be hit. How are you going to get great sleep with all this going on? theres even chemicals on mattresses, some of which have flame retardants. Its absolutely ridiculous!
It's a big problem, but you can fix it and feel so good!
Mattresses at all the stores around here are 100% toxic and even more so they're made with metal springs inside. Metal conducts electricity, but not just static, also the electro magnetic frequencies from phones, wifi, power outlets by the bed etc.... All that is concentrated on you while you're sleeping. I'll make another post on that aspect of sleep soon. That to say if you switch to a wool bed, there are a lot of benefits and we've had much better sleep - more consistently.
We got a great deal on a wool mattress from TFS Natural Home. They had a 70% off on Memorial Day a couple years ago.
Wool is often thought of as hot or uncomfortable and that's far from true. Wool is very soft, and actually makes great swimsuits and workout attire because its dries quickly and keeps sweat off. It keeps you cool in the summer and warm in the winter! Its actually perfect for a mattress and in the winter, every house needs a wool blanket or two.
Linen sheets are way cool than you think. (Pun intended.) They will keep you cooler, theres no static and get this, they used to be used in hospitals becasue they actually help you heal while you sleep! Hospitals are more about money than healing people these days so of course they use polyester now. (What a joke...) but you can get some linen bed sheets and feel so much better. I'm telling you our sleep is better.
It's been very hot the past few days and I have never been so comfortably being hot after wearing linen. I was wearing polyester in the summer and complaining about it being hot like a fool. Its still very hot around here, but its much more bearable when wearing linen.
Below is list of all the items we shopped around for and currently buy as healthy replacements.
We love sharing our healthy journey to help make yours easier, but we don't know everything. If you know something we don't, please shoot us an email with as much research as you can! We love to keep digging and ditching.