Good Popcorn Is Good For You

Don't feel bad about eating all the popcorn.


Here's the scoop.

Popcorn has a ton of fiber y'all! Well not the kind at the store. That just synthetic garbage, but if you get some real good glyphosate -free, organic popcorn ohhh man you're body will love you for it. Popcorn is everyones jam, but we always have to stop ourselves form eating too much, but real popcorn with real butter and real salt has so many things that your body is begging for that you really should eat the whole thing.

Salt is Not Bad

Our bodies are constantly craving salt these days, especially with how many things put off radiation that dehydrates us, but we also have been told salt is bad for like 30 years! They were right, but as always they never specified what kind of salt or even told us about the benefits of pure salt. If God made it, then it's good. We buy the Redmonds Real salt and you can find it at Akins, the Azure market and various other places.

Popcorn has Fiber!

When it hasn't been modified and zapped in the microwave, true popcorn is a ballin source of fiber! Another thing we all need! We found the best deal on popcorn is buying the Azure Market Organics brand. It has multicolored kernels and taste perfect!

Real Butter Only

Aldi has a fantastic butter that is all we ever use. It's made in the same place as Kerrygold, but it's less expensive because it doesn't have that big brand name. Aldi is so good to us. They know what we like.

  • Grass-fed: Made form the milk of Irish grass-fed cows, which gives it a unique flavor and texture. Irish cows are held to a much higher standard than American cows and so you're getting butter from a cow that hasn't been eating junk.
  • High butterfat content:  typically around 82%, which makes it ideal for cooking and baking.

All this together makes for a perfect snack that is only good for you! The packaged stuff really is frankenfood when you think about how much of the good stuff is swapped and removed in modern day popcorn. I don't even see how altering popcorn that much is profitable. It's so much more work, but whatever.

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