Ditch Foods With Seed Oils

Highly processed oils and a major contribution to general sickness.


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Here's the scoop.

For a long time we've known that bleached-white granulated sugar is bad for us and that it was everywhere. Everyone always starts by "having less sugar" when they want to feel better or star being healthy, but it looks like thats not the best way to start. You absolutely should limit your sugar, but there's a bigger problem and more effective way to take back your health.

I've come to realize that seed oils are an even bigger problem than processed sugar. Actually a lot bigger!

Seed Oils is a blanket term for all the highly processed oils including:

  • vegetable oil
  • canola oil
  • safflower oil
  • sunflower oil
  • soy oil
  • cottonseed oil
  • grapeseed oil

These are so ridiculously processed that it causes numerous toxic problems, but ultimately I want to focus on inflammation.

Inflammation and Seed Oils

Inflammation could be the single most important thing to address in our lives and yet it goes unnoticed, because we can't see inside our bodies. However you can easily learn to feel the difference. When you go out to east and you walk away full, satisfied and not droggy / sleepy / lazy thats because you ate real food that wasn't processed with seed oils! Most, if not all the times this is what's causing you to lack that energy food was meant to give you. You should never walk away from a meal full and sleepy, but full and ready for what's next in your day.

Why Seed Oils Suck So Much
Seed OilS Are Not Good

Thanksgiving Turkey

The turkey at thanksgiving is usually cooked is Criso (vegetable oil) and that is what makes you feel fat and lazy after! If the turkey plays any roll in it, then I'd wager it's 10% the turkey's fault and 90% the oils in was cooked in, but don't forget to add in all the heavy metals from cooking it in aluminum foil! With the way we've been taught to cook food, it's no wonder we feel bad and our bodies literally tell us, but we've been conditioned to think that feeling is normal! Common in not normal folks.

Inflammation is also caused by Electromagnetic Frequencies like wifi, bluetooth and cell towers. Walking in the grass barefoot is a great way to release that pent up inflammation drastically and yet we walk around our yards in rubber shoes all the time, preventing that connection with the ground. If you spray your yard with any chemicals, then I do not recommend going barefoot in your yard. Thats yet another contribution to our overall sickness. Think about people who can't mow because of allergies, but in many cases its those chemicals flying up in their face. It takes 5 years before those chemicals are removed from your yard and soil. Wow.

So when we're sick and we eat foods cooked in seed oils and we're preventing ourselves from getting better faster. Even if it's a healthy food, it doesn't matter you'd be better off fasting that meal. I used to play Halo and I remember the blinking red lights when your shields are down. Eating much anything with seed oils brings your shields  down. You could get sick real quick, because the seed oils literally bring your defenses in your body down.

Seed Oils Do This

Heres' my point when you eat food that used good oils, you don't ever feel bad! You feel full of energy and the food you ate is doing it's job. Even donuts can be nutrious if cooked in good ingredients.

It's often times not the type of food that is bad, but the way it's cooked.

Seed Oil- Free Restaurants!

There’re in everyyythiiiing. I’ve been calling places and looking into what oils they use and theres only 3 places around me that don’t use them. Even super expensive places downtown like Conifer do! (Some items they can swap for avocado oil - to be fair.)

So far this is all I can recommend:
  • Pleasant Counter in Springdale - 100% Seed oil free.
  • Snack Lab - 100% Seed Oil Free
  • Natural Muse - Cooks in peanut oil.
  • (I'll add more as I find them)

Thats a small list eh? Yeah it's that big of a problem.

When you find a place that doesn’t cook in seed oils they often hit a ton of other good marks too, so if you really want to find a truly healthy place, ask them if they cook in seed oils and if they don't then you're probably going to be safe to eat there unless you're dealing with celiac or something else like that where you're diet is prohibited.

The Seed Oil Scout App

I'm astounded that this app exists, it pulls up a map of all the restaurants near you that don't cook with seed oils! It goes into great detail on every other aspect of healthy eating too, but as we're learning the most important aspect is the seed oils.

Awesome Oil Replacements

The best replacement is

A Few Take Away

In our experience the most important things to do to prevent sickness is to prevent and decrease inflammation. We do three things that I think have played an integral part of us staying healthy amongst the sickness all around us and that i:

  • EMF Remediation and protection with EMF Solutions
  • Walking barefoot outside as much as possible to release pent-up inflammation. (Especially in the winter!)
  • Staying far away from seed oils. We don't use any at home and we stopped eating pretty much everywhere, however we also found a couple places that are infinitely better than the places we used to love.

We have never been so healthy and after being consistent with these things for a couple years, the difference has been wonderful! Part of not being sick that you're no longer afraid of getting sick so you can go help someone in your family who may need you without being worried about catching what they have, because guess what...? You're shields are up. Even if you do get a little sick you can kick in no time, but only if you first kick those seed oils out of your life for good.

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