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I love it! I pack all sorts of organic fruits and vegetables into a cold glass of raw milk and of course I use the Just Ingredients protein powder which gives it a cake-like taste and packs 24 grams of protein in there!
One of my little secrets is a dehydrated fruit & vegetable powder from NuMedica. It's chalked full of reds and greens of all kinds. You can pick this up at Bachert Wellness. For any of you mommas with picky kids - get this. I never ate any veggies growing up and this could be the best way to get them in your diet.
Im not kidding this smoothie has been playing a big part in keeping sickness away. I feel so good when I drink this bad boy, so I thought it'd be worth sharing.
Some people have been saying that fruit smoothies are not good for you because there is something to how your body prepares to take in the sugar from it when you actually bite into the fruit. It sends a signal to your brain that prepares your body for the fruit. By drinking a fruit smoothie you circumvent that process and just get hit with all the sugars even though they are good sugars, it sounds like it's not the way its supposed to work. In today's world that would not surprise me, but I have yet to find anything really concrete on that and so I'm going with my gut and how I feel after I drink this smoothie.
If I ended up being wrong, as with anything on this blog, I'll update this post. If you know more about this please shoot it my way. Thanks!
Use all organic fruits and veggies.
Just mix it all together in your favorite blender! Pop in a straw...and cowabunga!
Thats a lot, I know. Mix in what you can fit, you may have to decide against some of the frozen fruits since they take up more room. Play around with those and you'll find what you like best. thats where youcan sort of alter the flavor a bit. I've also tried using the chocolate protein powder and it makes it taste more like red velvet cake.
We get as much as we can at Aldi to save some money. That's the Bananas, Apples, and Carrots. Akins supplies the Watermelon, as they're the only place we can find an organic one. Raw Milk is form a farm out in Sulphur Springs. The Frozen fruits are a great deal in bulk from Azure Standard, (they have Organic Watermelon too, but it's not right down the street) as well as the peanuts that we make our peanut butter with.
Ok that's all I got for now. I hope you give it a try and see just how wonderful it taste.
Stay healthy y'all!
We love sharing our healthy journey to help make yours easier, but we don't know everything. If you know something we don't, please shoot us an email with as much research as you can! We love to keep digging and ditching.