Bugs in Our Food. Nope It's Not a Joke.

Explore this push for bug parts in our food and examine some odd creatures in our food under a microscope.


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Here's the scoop.

Ok y'all this is crazy freakin weird, but there is enough truth to this to at least be cautiously informed. All I can say is eat as much organic, and farm grown food as you can to avoid as much of this as possible.

World Leaders Want You Eating Bugs

No joke! Y'all I know the World Economic Forum has a huge push to get us to eat bugs. If you don't believe me read it on their site, they have quite a few articles. I want to be very clear that every claim they make is about 5% truth and 95% false. They've even forced companies to adapt to this by giving them higher ESG scores which can determined if they can even survive as a company these days.

Many big brand pizza sauces and various store products have little crushed up wings or part of bugs. Please research this yourself, but this wikipedia screenshot should help peel away your disbelieve.

Wikipedia article


Parasitic Insects - A "Natural" Red Food Dye *Barf

IKEA's Food Lab

Space10 is a food laboratory in IKEA that is getting a huge bookst in their ESG score. They have come up with some of the top worst food ideas involving bugs. You gotta see this mess.

SheKnows Article
Time Magazine Article

That's disgusting. You best eat organic and always check the labels, because I have seen a few products that say "Cochineal." It's not super hidden, but not many people knows what that means and the people who buy the products that would have this in it are not the people who read the labels. That's a little deceptive if you ask me.

Why? They literally tell us its to fight climate change. They say everything is, but it is complete nonsense.

The Most High made the earth to work and restore itself naturally, until the day that his Son Yeshua is told to come and take dominon over the kings who rule it now. It's the most epic story ever. There will be the biggest earthquakes in history, splitting mountains and land masses, fire falls from heaven melting the cities and 1/3 of the water turns to blood etc.... Even after that there's a Little Season (Revelation 20) where Satan is release to deceive the world, so it's still working fine after all that. There's nothing we can do to destroy our wonderful little plane before that time, but we most certainly can allow people to profit off our ignorance of science and those kinds of fearful, baseless ideals. We should certainly take care of it, which will in return is taking care of ourselves, but to say we won't have enough protein. Yet the organic cattle and poultry plants just randomly catch fire and go under. Wow I think we see what's going on here.

Anyway, now we're about to venture into some admittedly mysterious content. I'm about to show you what some of our frankenfood looks like under a microscope. Yes it looks like bugs, but I honestly don'r know what it is. This is just to get you thinking. We know now that the goal of the elites is to get us to eat bugs, (while they eat the steak) so is this very far off? Or are we dealing with different types of parasites?

Parasites IN food?

We know that parasites are likely the root cause of most everything and that we all have them. They are very common! If you haven't looked into them from a biblical view point, they actually fit the "demonic" category quite well too, but I wonder if that's what we're seeing in these products under the microscope? If you look into parasites, you'll see what I mean.

Could these be the reasons why we see actual moving, bug-like creatures in the products? I'm not sure.

Check out these video from Microzoom Guy and see what you think. It's hard to know for sure what we're seeing, but I certainly don't think anything with legs moving around in Cheetos is ok to eat on any level.

Now we do know that good foods like yogurt contains live cultures and I don't know what those look like, but I doubt they look like bugs. Something to think about and i would love to see a side by side. That would be very helpful.

I'm going to warn you. It's about to get gross!


If the seed oils, fake ingredients, senomyx and high fructose corn syrup wasn't enough...

A Mushroom

Here's what seems to be your average, non-organic mushroom from the store.

Some type of honey?!
A Banana

I assume it's non-organic, but theres not a lot of context.

*barf (ok ironically this post is going to make me sick lol)

This is grossing me out too much! If you want to see more check out his channel on Youtube or Instagram.

Watch Micro Zoom Guy

Yeah thats enough for me, I'm just gonna be done with this.

Eat real food so you don't end up eating crap like this! I'm outta here.

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