Ditch Your AirPods Now

Frying your brain with bluetooth and spying on your thoughts soon. I'm not even kidding guys.


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Here's the scoop.

Y'all is is a huge problem. I see way too many people wearing these and there is scientific data that show these should be no where near your brain.

You need to know about Electromagnetic Frequencies and just how they effect your environments, but whats worse is that these are sending bluetooth signals right into brain.

Briefly How It Works
AirPods, Bluetooth and EMFs

Check out my post on EMFs and Your Work Environment for many videos, studies and articles giving you a complete assessment of the issue. EMFs slow your blood flow, keeping you sick longer and more often because the little nutrients we do get don't flow where they need to very quickly.

I'm sure you'll experience brain-fog, but long term I'm certain we'll see tumors and who knows what else. AirPods and Apple Watches are both very dangerous and many people with EMF sensitivities feel ill when wearing them, but just because you don't doesn't make your body stronger its still effecting you in the same way, but your body is putting up a fight. They should both go in the trash immediately. The amount of money you wasted is not important in comparison to your health.

Just when you think it couldn't get worse, now they going to start spying on you!

AirPods Patent to Read Thoughts

Apple has patented the ability to read your thoughts using Airpods. I know how insane this sounds. I don't think any of us quite understand the magnitude of that, but that is some messed up W.E.F. agenda stuff coming at you full swing. This is hella wrong and I'm very aware of Apple's push for privacy, but do you have any idea how much money a company can make when they can sell data from your thoughts? Thats like 100 times more data than whats on your phone and they no longer have to predict it, making it so easy for them. There's no way they will not sell it, but they should never have it to begin with! I don't doubt they're capable of eventually using that tech in computers or other products too.

Of course they're going to tell us all the benefits of it, becasuse thats how you sell things, but I think people are awake enough to know this is completely wrong and taking it way too far.

It's hard to know for sure how something like this will play out, but the bluetooth signal near your brain is all the reason your need to toss them AirPods now. One day they're gonna get so sued for this, but don't wait until the news comes out and tells you 20-30 years after the fact. Like they did with Cigarets and Cancer. You've been blessed with preemptive knowledge, so use it to make a good decision.

The idea behind this blog it to make information like this shareable for those of us just learning. I hope this is concise and informative enough (include my EMF article post)

Thought Reading Patent
A Good Version of This? (Extra Gravy)

I've been interested in something people are calling Aether and it's what quantum computers accesses to do quick calculations. In a video I watched of the man, who built these computer, he explaining how these computer worked he talked about them accessing data from the air. I'm not sure that we need devices like AirPods to read our thoughts in order to perform actions on devices.

I'm not sure, but I do know that Satan just counterfeits everything the Most High has made. The Bible talks about being judged on Judgment Day after the Millennial Reign of Christ and Satan's little season. It heavily implies we'll go through all our sins and thanks to Jesus they'll all be washed clean.

I wonder if this is how he would pull that information up? Information - recordings if you will - of every event we've done being stored above us in his creation called heaven. I've heard people talk about this being a very secure system through some like block-chain. I wonder if we'll find out soon or if it's possible to access information even now, on some level. Again that's what they say Quantum computers do. However I will not use AirPods to do it. Period. That seems more like Satans manufactured version, that he uses for control.


Ditch your Airpods now, but have some fun with it! My friends and I took a hammer to his out in the driveway and it was so fun.

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