Hand Sanitizers Are Crazy Toxic

"Kills 99% of germs" ...and what else?


Here's the scoop.

I feel all hand sanitizers are effectively pointless no matter what the situation. The toxic ones especially. After looking at the back of the bottle I believe they are doing more harm than good.

Let's look at the most common hand sanitizer: Germ-X. Most all hand sanitizers are pulling off the same stunts as them. Which ones? Basically all of them, this is how you find out.

At the bottom of this post I have an awesome alternative you can buy in Rogers at the Wellnest Shop, so not all hope is lost.


Never let your kids use this. Any chance you can, just throw that bottle in the trash. Oh I'm sure it does "kill 99% of bacteria" (define bacteria )but nobody ever asks what the cost of that is on your skin or what else it's "killing". *head shake* Look at the ingredients in this crap and then think about how many people used it a few years ago to "prevent sickness" its so frustrating. This would have absolutely attributed to illness, bringing your shields down as I like to say.

I'm about to rip this apart. This is complete poison.

Germ-X Label

Look at this label and wake up:

  • It's mostly alcohol - Not the best option. Not convinced it's even ok.
  • "Recommended for repeated use?" So it doesn't even freakin work well?
  • Its FLAMABLE and that's going in your body.
  • Contact Poison Control if swallowed! None of the soap my kids use would be an emergency if they swallowed it. Remember it's absorbed in your skin too.
  • It discolors fabric and tarnishes wood?! (Great. Yeah lets get that get in our blood.)
  • The "Inactive Ingredients" - are most certainly active in your body!
  • The water - is unfiltered so it has chemicals in it too.
  • Fragrance - is jacking up everyones hormones which causes infertility.
  • Glycerin - does not sound needed at all
  • Acete - removes toxic paint off fingernails

The point is none of this comes close to helping you be clean. It goes right in your blood through the pores of your skin. It says don't swallow it, but it's still absorbed through your skin. Then they say to use it repeatedly as if it's not even working very well - because its NOT. You don't need it, but here is a better option. It's not just Germ-X it's most of these brands with these ridiculous names like Purell, implying something about it is pure. It's just a total joke. Stay away from all these chemical.

Good Hand Sanitizer

An example of a good hand sanitizer is the Immunity Spray by Rowe Casa available locally at the Wellnest Shop.

The ingredients are are natural, its actually work and plays a part in giving your body good things. Even the water is distilled, unlike the Germ-X. We don't use. We just don't need it but if you do this is the way to go!

Awesome Hand Sanitizer

In reality you're better off just waiting until you get home to wash your hands. You need those germs to create resistance. Unless you have something really oily or globby that prevents you from touching things, then just don't wash your hands. I do not think that frequently washing your hands prevents general illnesses. I've been testing this since 2020 and I do not see any truth in that.

Look at how many people do and how those same people continue to get sick like clockwork every year. Your diet plays a bigger role than any hand sanitizer ever could, but they sell you this cause they think we're lazy. In reality we're just uniformed.

Your skin absorbs what you put on it.

Remember your skin absorbs what you put on it through your pores. Even more-so when you relax those pore with warm water and they open up wider. What goes inside takes a ride in your blood stream. So all these really micro-sized chemicals are being absorbed and not only once, but over and over the more you wash these dishes or your hands.

Buy Immunity Spray Here

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