Big List Wool & Linen Companies
It was hard finding awesome wool and linen companies, so let us save you some time!
We personally drink mostly water, a coffee here and there and for special occasions an Ollie pop or Some thing to that effect. We also drink great water all the time. Our fridge is filtered by Clearly Filtered and we also have their water bottles for on the go and we cook/drink local spring water or water from Watertree NWA. Even after getting all those chemicals out of our water I feel most hydrated after just 4 ounces of our Arkansas Lolmanade. Its a combo of Redmond salt, Flavcity Superfood Lemonade and water.
I've heard a lot about how we need to be drinking more salt and I see that it's true. Apparently it's not just salt, but it help to have fruits in them as well, so lets learn more about that with video by the classic Dr. Barbara O'neil. This lady is a genius. Feel free to. look up more information, but this will be a great start.
We love sharing our healthy journey to help make yours easier, but we don't know everything. If you know something we don't, please shoot us an email with as much research as you can! We love to keep digging and ditching.