Big List Wool & Linen Companies
It was hard finding awesome wool and linen companies, so let us save you some time!
You may have heard some bad things about it, but when you actually talk to people who drink it, we don't just drink a little we drink a lot and it's because it's so much better. Think about how much less chronic disease there was 80-100 years ago and they drank plenty of raw milk with no problems.
There is nothing dangerous about raw milk its actually quite the opposite. Even folks who are lactose intolerant find themselves adjusting to raw milk and can drink it after their body recognized its not that pasteurized crap from the store. This is because pasteurized milk is heated up to like 500 degree and all that does is kill the enzymes called lactase that helps you digest the lactose properly, so in fact the store bought milk is the problem and has cause people to grow up lactose intolerant.
Think about all those "GotMilk?" commercials in the 90's. They strongly encouraged this problem and thats when we saw the rise in lactose intolerant people begin. Then they'd say that milk helps build strong bones, but left out the fact that it's only raw, unpasteurized milk that really does.
It's similar to celiac. It's not so much the gluten in bread that is the problem, but the glyphosate from pesticides that the wheat gets drenched in. It's not even a celiac thing, no body's body likes it, but some can deal with it a little better. This is why people with Celiac's always come back from Europe having eaten lots of bread and even lost weight. They don't allow pesticides...just here in the USA.It comes down to the processes used to send these products to the masses, but when you got to the farm and get the milk here's no problems - only benefits.
So next time the ol' mad cow disease comes rolling by or whatever they try to pull off to scare people away from cows, you can call your local farm and ask him if theres any reason to be worried. He's gonna say no and you can still have milk. Isn't that great?! Free yourself from the system a little milk. Milk really is a topic that sticks it to the man pretty hard, but only because of how absurd the companies have made the whole issue. Milk is so basic man.
After they're done breastfeeding, start putting raw milk in front of them. Our kids have been raised on it and they are very healthy kids. Our 3 year old fell is quite tall and very strong for kids his age. He's a beef cake and I don't doubt raw milk plays a large part. You'll know if you give it to your kids as they grow. Fer-real.
Depends on where you go, but it's usually between $4-$6 a gallon and a decent drive.
Yes! Hands-down. In fact we we'll never go back to store bought milk with the exception of Super Natural Milk at Akins, because it's low temperature pasteurized and not homogenized. (Yes this is much better than Braums A2 milk.)
The farm is really the only place to get milk and once you try it it you'll see just how watered-down store bought milk is, but combined with how much nutrients they kill-off when they pasteurize it, there's really no other option. Its fun to pack up the kids and drive out to the farm. You get to see the cows and they learn how it works. It's an invaluable adventure for sure. I feel like I'm at home!
Get at least 4 half gallon Kerr Jars with screw-on lids and bring those to fill up. We have a gallon sized on too. We go through about 2 gallons every 1.5 weeks. Emily makes yogurt with it and that takes a half gallon.
Take a look at they show you almost everywhere you can get milk, but ask your friends because you may find theres a closer one than what's listed. All the farms listed are grass -fed, but call and ask any specific question you may have.
Heres' a list of farms within 20 miles of Bentonville, but ask around, there are more scattered around that aren't on Raw Milk.
Loui Pasture's Deathbed Words by 3 Wheeled Cheese
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