Big List Wool & Linen Companies
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We we started learning what our teeth need, we realized that our dentists were not giving it to us rather it was quite toxic, which kept us coming back.
Before I get into the weeds I'm happy to promote a Integrated Dentistry, a dentistry by Derek Johnson DDS, who from what I can tell is doing a great job of effectively taking care of teeth in a nontoxic manner. He seems to understand that your teeth have a huge impact on the rest of your body and he takes care of the entire body with a focus on teeth. That is freakin awesome and if I ever have a tooth emergency I will certain a visit with him.
Let's learn about what our teeth need and you can decide for yourself if dental appointments are right for you and your family.
All the healthy swaps and where to get them are listed at the bottom of this article.
Cavities seem like the primary reasons for your average dental check up. Our teeth have a nice little protective coating on them called Hydroxyapatite. You need to replenish that to protect your teeth from cavities and no, you will not find one at any of the major retailers around here. Everything you need is easy to get! Hop on over to The Wellnest Shop in Rogers and not only will tey tell you all about the products but they have just about everything mentioned in this post. If you don't have a lot time to watch the video below, then just go there, talk to them and get whatever you want there. It's all good!
Let's learn a little about Hydroxyapatite and Sensitive Teeth.
There are a few natural, restorative mouthwashes we've tried and we love them all, but this isn't something we keep on hand at all times (to save money). Learn about what you need in your mouthwash and then know you can get great options at The Wellnest Shop in Rogers! They also can inform you on it too.
Let me put this plain and simple. We grew up using Crest and Colgate and all that crap. It absolutely was why we needed to keep going to the dentists. Our diets as well, but the garbage they put in toothpaste is absurd. Fluoride is awful and some people will say that in small amounts its ok. (Well yeah so is paint thinner in your decaf coffee.) the question is: "Is it GOOD for you?" Is it helping your body protect and restore itself and it's quite the opposite. Plus we're told to brush this into our mouth 2-3 times a day and our mouths absorb that into our bloodstream very quickly. You're never exposed to just a little bit either. It's in your water too. You're exposed to it multiple times everyday and you don't have to swallow the water for it to go into your bloodstream. Most countries do not allow it, it's our FDA here in America. This is a problem and the evidence is everywhere if you look.
Fluoride dumbs you down. For example when you know something is bad for you like Coke zero and its hard for you to stop, so you throw your hands up and give in. Fluoride plays a big part in that laziness you feel. Ditching fluoride has made it so much easier to be healthy. So get good toothpaste immediately. It doesn't cost much either. Check out the toothpaste tabs or the Just Ingredients toothpaste at the Wellnest Shop. i've listed all the awesome product swaps at the bottom of the article.
Major brand toothpastes even say to contact POISON CONTROL if you swallow it. C'mon its time for everyone to wake up. Its about if its "not bad" for you its about if it's good for you. The standards set by the FDA is an absolute joke and would not pass in any European country either. You have to take control of your own health and always look at the ingredients of everything.
We use these combination of oils called Oral Supreme. We get it at Bachert Wellness. Our doctor there told us that he has seen plaque just melt off after using this and it's a great way to preven getting plaque. You just put a couple drops of this all over your gums each night after brushing and go to bed. We actually do it about every other day or so just to save some money haha, but whatever you can afford is better than nothing.
Man you wanna really make those teeth happy?! Our family takes one of these bad-boys each night after we brush to help restore the good bacteria in our mouths. Check into SuperTeeth Prebiotics. It's just another fantastic way you can help your teeth that no professional ever told us about our entire lives.
As I'm sure you can guess after reading more my posts, what you put in your body effects every part you're trying to heal. Put simply, if you are still drinking soda, you'll still be going to the dentist. Period. To get you started learning more about your diet and your teeth take a look at these video from the Just Ingredients podcast.
It sounds like you can reverse cavities. Our bodies are built to heal in every other way, so I'm sure you can. See what you think about this video.
I'm literally asking you. You will know that better than be, but I want to you think about how you may not. Our kids have never been and we stopped going about 5 years ago, becasue we eat right and give our teeth what they need on our own. If you need help doing that - awesome - there Integrated Dentistry in Bentonville to help you! If we have a bit of an emergency like a chipped tooth cause the kids got kicked on a swing or something then we'd certainly go check that place out. It is so cool that for every bad option, Bentonville has a good option. That said, sometimes theres only one good option and 500 bad, but we have what we need around here to stop being so dang sick. You just need to look around and this site can save you a lot of time on that front!
• Just Ingredients Remineralizing Tooth Powder - Wellnest Shop
• Just Ingredients Mouth Wash - Wellnest Shop
• Risewell Toothpaste w/ Hydroxyapatite - Wellnest Shop
• Toothpaste Tabs w/ Hydroxyapatite - Wellnest Shop
• Non-plastic Toothbrush - Wellnest Shop
• SuperTeeth Dental Prebiotic - buy online
• Oral Supreme - Bachert Wellness
We know growing up, our bathrooms were full of toxic chemicals in everything, so if you just need an easy swap out for teeth products, the Wellnest Shop offers a little $12 Adult Oral Care Switch Kit that will be a perfect start and a great way to test out samples of their products before you fall in love with them. They totally rock. we are so blessed to have them. They are the best place to get all the household swaps you need. If you have not gone, go now.
Dr. Ellie Phillips explains why you mostly don't need regular dentist appointments.
We love sharing our healthy journey to help make yours easier, but we don't know everything. If you know something we don't, please shoot us an email with as much research as you can! We love to keep digging and ditching.