Easily Ditch Sodas with Ollie Pop

A replacement for soda that taste better and is good for you!


Here's the scoop.

Ok we all know every major company has it out for us. For our money that is and because they have issues they sell us garbage instead of healthy things. Everyone knows that they need to stop drinking all the major sodas. I mean for Pete's sake you can clean a toilet with freakin Coca-Cola or Pepsi.

You probably know those sodas are terrible but did you know you can replace them with ones that are actually very good for you in many ways!?

Here comes Olipop to save the day.

Olipop is hands down the best tasting soda I'v ever had and they don't make you feel like crap when you drink them. I still only drink a few sips at a time, but look at the ingredients in these and you'll see its absolutely fine to drink the whole thing with your meal. See the images below for the ingredient list.

Where To Get Olipop

The largest assortment of flavors I've seen is at Allen's in Bella Vista, however Akins also has a large selection. Snack Lab in Bentonville has all the classic ones and I'm sure theres other places in Fayetteville and Springdale but i'm not ever down that way. I've seen a large assortment of them then at Sandi Sues Gluten Free Bakery too.

If you know where to find them in the Fayetteville/Springdale area shoot me an email below.

Let us know
The Only Downside

The aluminum can is not good. That aluminum, if heated on the truck or from sitting in your car will leak aluminum into your drink. Then you need to read our blog post on Heavy Metal Detoxing haha, but I imagine they are kept cold on the truck and if not they probably don't get hot. Can anyone confirm this? Shoot me an email if you know.

If your goal is replacing sodas, it's still a major upgrade in your health. You can't win every health battle these days so pick them wisely. This may be a great way to ease you off those poisonous cans from the big companies and thats at great step in right direction. Take control of your health and switch to Olipop.

(No they don't sponsor this, they just make a really good drink.)

Visit Olipop on their site for more information.

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