Colloidal Silver for 13¢ an Ounce

Colloidal silver is an amazing price at the Wellnest Shop!


Here's the scoop.

One our favorite places just got better! At the Wellnest Shop we refilled our 4oz bottle of colloidal silver for about $30 cents! We buy the fantastic Sovereign Silver and its great - worth every dime, but over at the Wellnest Shop it's only 13¢ an oz!

Their Colloidal Silver is colorless at 100 ppm.

We have a refill card so that saved us even more, but that price is fantastic. To buy the 4oz bottle at most places costs $20!

What is good for?

Silver is what we spray on wounds before poppin' on our new Patch non toxic bandages. Also from the Wellnest Shop It rocks for immune support too and now at this price you canafford to do a couple sprays of that in your mouth every day! The shop has some great tips on what to use it for:

Potential benefits/uses of The Wellnest Shop Essentials Colloidal Silver include: ear infections (early stages), wound care/skin healing (burns, eczema, psoriasis, thrush/yeast, and even staph), inflammation (colloidal silver is a natural anti-inflammatory that can help reduce swelling and repair surface and systemic inflammation, as a nasal spray it can help with allergies and nasal infections, and colloidal silver can even help lessen the duration of colds and flus and other longer term issues as it is also anti-viral.
    • Directly to the skin, apply 2-5 drops.
    • For Pink Eye or ear infection, apply 1-2 drops directly into eyes or ear canal
    • Apply 1-2 drops on a bandage to encourage quick healing.
    • Use a neti-pot with 5 drops OR spray 5 drops directly into the nose
    • Apply 5-10 drops vaginally or anally
    • Orally, 1-5 ml may help to reduce time to heal during viral and/or bacterial infections.

For more info on the Wellnest Shop just look below. I wrote up an awesome page on this fantastic shop no one should live without.

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